The Client: A national biosciences company with large, robust teams and a complex B‑to-B-to‑C (business-to-business-to-customer) manufacturing sales cycle.
The Challenge: Client had elected a 25-person task force of representatives from 6 different departments across the company to launch their Digital Transformation efforts… but had stalled getting started.
The Solution: They hired Jessica (BetterAve Chief Strategist) to re-kickoff discovery with representatives from marketing, sales, customer service, legal, IT, executive team and more. Using the findings from those moderated sessions and the systems/tech documentation the IT team had already started, Jessica drew up a current map of all their data sources and systems (18+).
The Goods: Jess mapped out the status quo so everyone could see where they were starting. She also created a Future Ideal State Data Systems Map, which would eliminate 3 disconnected or duplicative platforms and change most manual processes to automated ones. Jess also recapped a list of 35+ tasks to get from status quo to ideal state, all explicitly defined and scored for “ease” and “impact.” With this Prioritization Matrix, Client’s IT had a list of – and functional requirements for – items that could be started right away and those that have pre-requisites to be tackled.
The Outcome: The first 13 tasks were prioritized for the 2022 year, putting the client on track for a 3‑year goal for accomplishing all Digital Transformation tasks by 2025.